vendredi 24 novembre 2017

Weathering Tutorial Part 2: Washes and filters

The filters and washes must be done with enamels, they are better than acrylics as the acrylics can leaves undesirables marks on the paint. They dry faster and are not workable as the enamels.
If you are using acrylic thinner you can remove or damage the base colour as they are made with acrylics.
Also I’m preparing my own filters and washes so I can vary the tones according to the camouflage as well as the operational theatre where it is used.
A filter is a thin layer of heavily diluted paint, applied over a surface to slightly change the background colour.
You can also apply various filters in thin layers to achieve the desire result.
Nowadays, various brands like AK Interactive, Ammo and others are offering specific filters related with the camo colours of your model: Dark Yellow, Panzer Grey, DAK, 3 tones, NATO etc.
Once the base coat is dry, I will brush a coat of enamel thinner on the areas that I will apply the filter. By applying first the thinner we will avoid undesirable tide marks but also help the filter to flow.
I’m brushing on the filter, layer after layer, until I have the result I’m looking for. It is always easier to cover a light colour with a darker colour.
Apply the filter gently on the surface of your model. You must distribute the colour by thin uniforms layers. You must avoid to get lines or streaks due to the accumulation of filter on like on details too.
On the side of the model, like on the turret, flancs etc the gravity will work for you with less colour on the top than on the bottom. Meaning the colour on the top will be clearer than on the bottom.
Don’t forget that you must remove the excess of filter accumulated on the various areas.
By varying the colour of the filters you are applying, this will add to your model more richness.
Always get your brush wetted and never flood it.


In order to give the model's details deepness like on the bolts, nuts, rivets, welding etc we will apply washes on them with precision. 
Washes are also called pin washes as we will use a thin brush (N°1) to apply theses washes with precision. 

The colour you are using here must be dark but don't use black except on few parts like on the engine deck or the rear. With a soft thin brush we will apply it on the details. We don't want it to cover the entire surface like with filters.

After few minutes, we will remove the excess of paint with a thin brush wetted with thinner.

Don't remove everything or you will undo the effect.

Now you have to let the model dry before the next step: Fading.

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